Full Moon Super Moon

The Moon is not a critter! 

Photos of the moon July 12 & 13, 2022 on my Canon PowerShot SX530 HS (mostly with a tripod and manual settings).  24 of my photos.

I've done absolutely no alterations other than trimming and resizing. No filters were used (but I need a UV filter!)

From July 12th, when clouds kept me from getting the moonrise from the horizon, but once it rose (and looked smaller) the sky was nice and clear. 

The big event was July 13th with the "Buck Moon" -- a hunting term I don't like (!) The brightest Super Moon of the year. 


It took a while to emerge from the clouds: 

At times it was so bright that I feared I had damaged my eyes. It was RED through the clouds for quite a while, and I was worried about the reflected sunlight. The initial moonrise was obscured by clouds, so I missed the largest view again. The intensity was too much! Like staring directly into a spotlight.


After the hot red streaky viewing, I went inside, terrified I'd burned my eyes! (Internet: Can you go blind looking at the moon through clouds? Seriously -- it's reflecting the sun!) Also, it was super windy here and the temperature at 8:45 pm was still around 98 degrees.

Then I went back out.

Utility wire!

Like looking into a spotlight:

Hey, is that the sun or the moon up there?
I dunno. I don't live around here. 

I have possibly cured myself of a need to take photos of the moon (until next month anyway?)

Mohave Ground Squirrel

What does a Mohave Ground Squirrel look like?

Mohave Ground Squirrel

I believe this is a Mohave (with an H) Ground Squirrel. 

We just call them all "chippies," but this little guy is different from the other chipmunks. 

It looks like we're holding him prisoner! He's just on the other side of the fence, probably eating a peanut in the shell that we put out. 

The Roadrunner stopped by


roadrunner on a fence post


Always nice to see one although these funny-looking critters kill other birds and eat them!